It's that time of year where we go out to the tree farm and choose our Christmas tree. Although my family is sadly not getting one this year because we'll be away for the holiday, I was able to tag along Justin's family trip to Stimpson's Tree Farm in Pittsgrove, NJ. While they went on a hunt to find the perfect tree, boyfriend and I just went up to our usual shenanigans.


Look at that awful extension. Skinny Jeans do not lend well to Natarajasana aka Dancer's Pose. Oh well practice is always perfect. This is the second year that we went looking for a tree on Friendship Road, and the second year of doing this. Last year featured my personal go-to "Yogi In The Wild" pose: Vriksasana. I thought it was funny. Tree pose on a tree stump. It's funny because it's redundant.

In other news. See that hat? I made that hat. I will be selling said hat...among other things. This Friday, in Philly, at Punk Rock Flea Market. Here is the link for info. Support Local Makers ❤